[CH] For the female chile-heads: Chili-inspired make-up colors

Mon, 14 Aug 2000 23:38:12 +0000

I was at the local CVS store yesterday and what did I see 
in the area with the new make-up colors for Fall - chili 
colored colors. Advertised as such. The line is from 
Revlon - called Go Chili. The colors are brownish reds, 
more red than brown. The names of the colors are: Go 
Chili, Chili Thrill and Deeply Chili. I also picked up a 
Revlon pamphlet that turns into a poster. The poster is a 
picture of all the lipsticks and nail polishes on the top 
of a background of red chilis. They look like thai chilis 
or cayennes - long and skinny. Really a beautiful ad. 

Great colors too. They make me hungry.

Thought all the female chile-heads would be interested.
