[CH] Chili's and Chicks!

Scott Ramsey (Scott.Ramsey@eng.sun.com)
Mon, 14 Aug 2000 17:17:05 -0700 (PDT)

} I was at the local CVS store yesterday and what did I see 
} in the area with the new make-up colors for Fall - chili 
} colored colors. Advertised as such. The line is from 
} Revlon - called Go Chili. The colors are brownish reds, 
} more red than brown. The names of the colors are: Go 
} Chili, Chili Thrill and Deeply Chili. I also picked up a 
} Revlon pamphlet that turns into a poster. The poster is a 
} picture of all the lipsticks and nail polishes on the top 
} of a background of red chilis. They look like thai chilis 
} or cayennes - long and skinny. Really a beautiful ad. 

Just for chicks?  Hot women and chili's life CAN not get better...  Well... throw in some steak and a Guinness and THEN it can't 
get better...

Scotty ~ burnin' from some hot'n wild hab slasa yesterday...  

Now how did that ring of fire song go again?