I heard from several people (neither Chile-heads so what do they know anyways) that for every night that the temperature drops below around 55 degrees, that you lose 10 days growing on your peppers. So let's see......that would mean that me and Byron and some others here in the Northeast may see our peppers come to fruition sometime in February or March?!!! That's if'n we hoisted them all out of the ground and found them a sauna to spend the winter in! Any comments, facts, myths? I don't own any of the Dave DeWitt books for reference. Thanks! Linda, crying (and not even in a beer cuz I am at work!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heard that was 3 days loss for peppers for 1 night below 60F and 10 days loss below 50F, BTW not in Dewitt. With a Kennedy wallet to keep the Greenhouse at 80F about $2K in grow lights. These plants might have ripe pods in 02. Or about $2,000 per oz. I think a trip to Jims would be more economical. Fill up a full sized pick up should hold me for a year. Lord Byron