Re: [CH] After all the talk about slugs...

John Benz Fentner, Jr. (
Wed, 06 Sep 2000 00:47:47 -0400 wrote:
> does anyone here actually *eat* escargot?
> Cathy (who once wanted to, but now never will) betcha.  Put 'em in a bean crock with lotsa
butter, lotsa garlic and a dash of white wine. Bake 'em slow
for an hour.  Serve 'em in a soup bowl with lotsa black
bread for dunkin' and more wine. Or bake 'em the same way
and serve over a heap of homemade pasta with chopped
parsley, bacon bits and coarse ground black pepper. Calvin
Powder to taste.

Be still my beating heart.
John Benz Fentner, Jr.
Unionville, Connecticut, USA
"Lex Non Favet Delicatorum Votis"