[CH] After all the talk about slugs...

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
10 Sep 00 14:15:07 -0800

 -=> Quoting Mary & Riley to All <=-

 > does anyone here actually *eat* escargot?

 M&R> Actually, it's quite good.  I have to watch my butter intake so
 M&R> haven't had any lately

All the recipes I've seen so far involve tons of garlic butter. Years
ago I had an excellent appetizer at a Portuguese restaurant: snails
poached in a thin spicy tomato broth. If I wanted to reproduce it I
would start with onions, garlic, chilies, celery leaf and thyme simmered
in Clamato juice, strain the juice and then poach the snails in it.
Perhaps add a little white wine; I think I'd come close. It was
wonderful and not at all fattening.

                                                Jim in Yellowknife