Heads, It's been said that peppers get hotter if they have been subjected to some stress. Hopefully someone can verify. Before I got the electric fence up, I repotted a few pepper stems that had once been lovely plants before squirrels dined on them. Then they were placed in a nice sunny location inside the garage. New leaves sprung out on most of these sticks. Twice they were subjected to lack of water, which caused leaf loss and several sticks died each time. Two of these plants survived and grew into the nice flowering bushes that nature had intended. This weekend, I decided to put the pot in a secure location outside so they could get pollinated. They loved the fresh air and told me so. Tonight ... (sob) I came home to find the leaves eaten once again. It wasn't squirrels this time, it was the hornworms. SIXTEEN hornworms on two pepper plants. Needless to say, the plants are back in the garage. There is still a bit of foliage on them and a few pods. Poor things. :( The peppers inside the electric fence and cages are doing wonderfully tho. Still, I feel such sorrow for these poor peppers and hopefully they can survive once again. The photos on Mark's website are great! Was wondering what is in the blue cups ... would those cups be holding habs or jalapenos? http://home.earthlink.net/~socalsuz