All, So far: 47 boxes ordered & 24 paid for. SPREAD THE WORD! TELL YOUR FRIENDS! We need 3 more boxes ordered more in the next 2 days to complete the order. ~~~ If this doesn't happen, I'll check with Mary Garcia to see if she'll have Frank pick later or he'll fill a smaller than minimum required order. Remember, Frank's got 40 acres. That's ~774,400+ pepper plants, or ~1,000+ tons of Red Savinas & Franciscas. Our little 500 pound minimum order is only 0.02% of their business. They're doing us a favor by even allowing us to buy, when they could much more easily sell to any of their other buyers, all far bigger. To put it another way, WalMart, to whom they sell through a broker, is, most likely, of greater interest to GNS Spices than is our little pittance. The trucking company only needs 2 days' advance notice, so that's no problem. Art ~~~ Hooray for the 11 who have ordered and the 9 who have already paid: Bill Gosper has ordered 3 boxes of savinas & his $90 check is in hand. Rob & Joni Rayment have ordered 3 boxes of savinas & their $90 check is in hand. Dan Laybourn has ordered 1 box of savinas & his $30 check is in hand. Jack Curry has ordered 12 boxes of savinas & his $360 check is in hand. Jim Nelson 485.8883 & Mark Holm 331.4582, 349.8984, PCS (16) 601-5231 both of Sacramento, have ordered 1 box each of savinas and each of their $30 checks is in hand. If you two get together on the pick-up, let me know. Mark Yvanovich has ordered 1 box of savinas & his $30 check is in hand. Ricky Pike has ordered 1 box each and his check is in hand. Scott Ashkenaz has ordered 15 boxes savinas & 3 boxes franciscas and his check was mailed Saturday. Allen Pierce has ordered 5 boxes savinas, will drop $$ by. Art Pierce has ordered and paid for 1 box savinas. ~~~ For any late comers who want to get in on this low-priced group purchase before the cut-off date (Thursday, 9/21/00): 1) The orders are in 10-lb. box increments. 2) Pre-paid orders only. 3) $30 for each 10-lb. box. 4) The cut-off date for last arrival of orders is 9/21/00 and for checks made out to me is extended to 9/25/00. 5) Please specify # of boxes you want of savinas &/or franciscas. [Please email me ahead so I can keep the Garcias informed on how fast our group buy is getting to the minimum they'll do, and also send confirming note in the snail mail envelope along with your check.] 6) Checks received after the cut-off date will be returned to you in the next postal mail. 7) As usual, the $ after costs - $17 the first year, $404 the second year - will go to the California Grey Bears (CGB): 8) Your pick-up spot for the 10-lb. boxes is the cooler at CGB, 2710 Chanticleer Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95065-1812 Phone: 1.831.479.1055 Email: Map/directions available at: or 9) Please also call Lynda Francis at CGB, (831) 479.1055, &/or me at home, (831) 724.7204 in every case to pre-arrange the time & day for each and any pick-up you'll be doing. Art Pierce 714 Almond Drive Watsonville, CA 95076-3608 1.831.724.7204 [Only if you're nearly broke: 1.888.723.3038]