Try the one's at Jack in the Box. They're extremely mild as well, but at least they're real peppers. Watch out though, I got some sort of food poisining from 'em. I never $h1t so much in my entire life. Pardon the expression. Scott in San Mateo } } The Burger King near me has something they call Jalapeno Poppers. I tried } them. What a disappointment! I could tell immediately after opening the box } that they were not jalapeno poppers. They were all flat as if they were cut } from a cookie cutter and breaded. Best I can tell, it's just cheese with some } little jalapeno bits, breaded and deep fried. The flavor wasn't bad, but } there's not much heat when the chile inside is little bits, and was expecting } to get stuffed jalapenos. You only get four, served with a runny ranch sauce. } I guess I shouldn't have expected any better for $0.99. } } Mike Benson }