[CH] hello Noelle

Eeyore (efalt@zianet.com)
Thu, 28 Sep 2000 17:30:15 -0600

Welcome, Noelle, I eat more and more vegetarian meals although I do
sometimes get little chickens that aren't loaded with hormones and
antibiotics. I had a malignancy many years ago and have always been
warned to stay far away from hormones. For years I ate only steer or
beef that was horribly well cooked. Now most of the meat tastes horrid.
Nothing is coming in with bones and it's rarely aged properly so it's
vegetarian for me. I had lots of ethnic cookbooks and buy lots from
different countries, including a glorious book from Spain that I adore
and most other countries as well.

I buy only from David Spriggs and Mary Budde at New Books Cheap. They
are wonderfully helpful and can get just about anything for you and
charge you 60% off.

Most of the stuff that is run-of the mill American I yawn over although
the old Joy of Cookings, while the Rombauer family were actually doing
the writing are first rate.

Again welcome.
