RE: [CH] Rocoto overwintering

Mike Benson (
Sat, 14 Oct 2000 05:27:49 -0500

~Between my Rocotos plants I sowed last April, about a dozen, only one has
~three ripe orange pods!

I've only got one ripe pod from mine, but that's more than I've had in
previous years.  The one that is ripe came from a plant that I over wintered
and planted in the ground last spring.  I have another 2-year-old in a pot
that is doing well, but no ripe pods yet.

~At which minimum temperature can  the Rocotos survive?

They can survive down to freezing, and can even handle a brief freeze, but
if you want them to keep growing and producing pods, it's best to keep them
around 60F (15C).  Keep in mind that rocotos are traditionally grown in high
elevations of tropical South America.