> Any other languages out there that use a form of water as their word > for liquor? Yep. Latin: Aquavit, roughly translated by me as "water of life". Never forget the old peppers in the cooking sherry. My father tells me that the 'native' Qld birdseye (a variety of tepin, I think) fits well in a bottle of Worcestershire sauce, and complements the flavour really well. It also serves as a wake up for the (*really* non-CH) truck drivers he shares his house with! Keep meaning to try it, waiting for my Baileys to grow... Tara -- ______________________________________________________ Tara Deen School of Geosciences Division of Geology and Geophysics Building FO5 University of Sydney NSW 2006 AUSTRALIA Phone: 61-2-9351 4271 Fax: 61-2-9351 0184 Mobile: 061 410 538 655 email: tara@es.usyd.edu.au ______________________________________________________