[CH] RE:wearable Chile patterns

Chet Bacon (chet@chetbacon.com)
Wed, 18 Oct 2000 15:57:08 -0400

A cooking supply company sometime ago ask me to look at their Chefs'
But they didn't have any Chile type-like gear.. Well they listened to my
whinning, and have Chef Pants in!  To top it off I asked them for a
coupon discount for list.

The pants can be seen here:

and if you order them use this coupon #  CH99019 and you'll get 5%
off... not much but it all helps..
I hope that atleast you enjoy the picture of the pants.  (no
affiliation! just want something Chile related to wear while cooking!)


* Chet Bacon   KA1ILH     |           Okay, who put a             *
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* Southington, CT 06489   |             reality check?            *
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* Viva Bultaco Viva Bultaco Viva Bultaco Viva Bultaco Viva Bultaco*
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