Gary, Modified starch is the industrial equivalent of corn flour. They use it as a thickener in preference to corn flour because it keeps its integrity under heat and storage longer than corn flour, which tends to fall out of suspension. it won't be affecting the heat levels in the sauce. To keep the hab flavour but lose some of the heat, try experimenting with cooking the sauce for longer. Prolonged cooking kills the heat in habs rather too effectively! You could also try some of the low-heat chinense varieties hitting the market now. i can't remember any names off the top of my head, but there is one with the flavour of a hab, but the heat of a bell. Anyone? Have fun, Tara -- ______________________________________________________ Tara Deen School of Geosciences Division of Geology and Geophysics Building FO5 University of Sydney NSW 2006 AUSTRALIA Phone: 61-2-9351 4271 Fax: 61-2-9351 0184 Mobile: 061 410 538 655 email: ______________________________________________________