Greetings from an active lurker and 3d Annual Red Savina Buy participant Without raising the B word, has anyone cold pack canned a Habanero Mango Salsa and lived to tell about it? I am awash in the usual dire and terse USDA warnings etc about the dangers, but all of the references to salsa presuppose a tomato base rather than a mango or papaya fruit base. Nonetheless cilantro, onions and other low acid veggies are in there along with te Habs and a cup or more of vinegar ( as many seem to recommend) would defeat the purpose of the exercise. I have seen some references in the archive to boosting acidity with lemon juice and my recipe already has lime juice in it that could be increased without too much flavor disruption. Our government protectors being of precious little help, I turn to the follows of the pod for guidance. The weather in the Sacramento Valley is finally turning cold and wet :( and the Costco price of mango and papaya remains however briefly low :). Any help on or off line would be appreciated. "Never underestimate the capacity of the human mind to resist the penetration of useful information." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication and any accompanying document(s) are confidential and privileged. They are intended for the sole use of the addressee. If you receive this transmission in error, you are advised that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance upon the communication is strictly prohibited. Moreover, any such inadvertent disclosure shall not compromise or waive the attorney-client privilege as to this communication or otherwise. If you have received this communication in error, please contact our IS Department at its Internet address (, or by telephone at (916)441-0131. Thank you. ======================================================================