[CH] Chile Calendar

Ron Hay (ronhay@pacbell.net)
Wed, 29 Nov 2000 07:21:42 -0800

Hello, friends,

I am coming out of lurk mode again briefly. I just wanted to let you
know that I received, in yesterday's mail, the calendar catalogue from
Avalanche Press, in Huntington Beach, CA, with its new "Peppers"
calendar, available both as a magnetic fridge magnet, with magnetic pen
and incidental wall hanger (item 00127 for $8.99 each), and as a
standard wall calendar (item 01077 for $11.99).

Their web address is www.avalanchepub.com.

Phone number is 1-800 888 6421; order by fax 1-800 992-2828.

I have truly enjoyed my chile calendar, here on the wall over the
computer, and hope you will derive as much enjoyment as I have.
