Re: [CH] Companion planting to fight aphids
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 14:14:43 -0500

 > Oh, not morning glories!  Ack!  Those are one of the most >annoying
persistant plants I've ever fought with.  

I don't know what kinds you're growing that are this unmanageable, or
where you live, but I've never had a problem with my hybrid types, mainly
Heavenly Blues and Pearly Gates, as opposed to the wild ones (and I
confess, I like even those.)  True, you have to train 'em a bit, but
that's as simple as making sure they have something sturdy to climb on
and then periodically taking any wandering tendrils and draping 'em back
over that.   

>I've been fighting some  crawling up
> the front of my house (rented) for 6 years now.  

Gawds, why fight 'em?!?  They're gorgeous.  If you have something that
pretty that  _wants_ to decorate the front of your house, why
on earth not let it?  I mean, gee, there's no blue in creation more
purely happy-making than the color of Heavenly Blues; even delphiniums
don't compare.   And most of the others are nearly as lovely; the sheer
rice-papery elegance of Pearly Gates early in the morning will knock your
socks off, and the drama of  Kniola's Purple-Black or dark-blue Grandpa
Ott's mixed into a stand of nearly any other color MG is wonderful.  

Keep on rockin',
Rain, morning-glory freak

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