I was looking for an acticle I read on cnn about a wild chile pepper perserve in the southwest when i ran across this article: http://www.cnn.com/2000/FOOD/news/10/16/chili.science.ap/index.html The article is about inproving chile peppers after the problems with the 2000 season. Any way it the article it says: "Bosland picked out a purple jalapeno from the small sea of jalapeno plants in the greenhouse. 'This purple trait, we have to get rid of that,' he said. 'People want certain kinds of chilies. People just don't buy a jalapeno that's purple. You want it green and that's just the way it is.' ... " I think purpple jalapenos would be cool. That's way I grow diffrent colored peppers. Is the geneeral public so set on things that a purpple jalapeno would not sell? What do you chyilieheads think? Coyote Howlin for Habaneros