[CH] vegans and vegetarians

Sat, 13 Jan 2001 13:25:40 -0500

 >For Rain, and any other vegans

Oh, I'm not vegan, I'm vegetarian, specifically pesco-vegetarian.
Thing is, all vegans are vegetarians, but not all vegetarians are vegans.

Clear as mud? :)  Okay, a primer:

All vegetarians stay away from meat and poultry.

Vegans (usually pronounced VEEgans) are the vegetarians that don't eat
_any_ animal products, including dairy, eggs, honey, or in some cases
even white sugar (since it may be filtered through bone charcoal).  Most
are vegan at least partly out of strong
animal-rights convictions.

Ovo-lacto vegetarians, the ones vegetarians generally mean when we just
say "vegetarian", will eat eggs, dairy, honey and sugar.  Some OLVs are
against killing animals to eat, some aren't.  (We all kill _something_ to
eat, even if it's a chile pod. :))

Additionally, pesco-vegetarians like me (and Andrew Weil, from
whom I learned it) eat modest amounts of fish or fish stock/sauce; that's
the traditional Asian Buddhist way of eating, is not rare in the
Mediterranean and is quietly  popular in America--quietly because
in-your-face veggie militants, a curse that cultures with an older
vegetarian tradition don't suffer from much, jump all over it as not
being "real" vegetarianism, or strict enough ethically, or whatever, 
(On the off chance there's anyone like that here, please don't bother
writing me backchannel; you won't change my mind or my terminology.:)) 
Obviously you don't find many hardline
animal-rights folks in the pesco-veg group, though like all decent
people, we want to see animals humanely treated.

Help any? 

What I use in pea soup is ham-flavored TVP if I can find it or 
veggie breakfast sausage or soybacon if I can't, and plenty of chipotles.
 The ham TVP has gotten harder to find, especially for 
a decent price.

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