[CH] Re: Havana

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Tue, 23 Jan 2001 13:37:38

>From: "Sarah Banick" <sbanick@mindspring.com>

>it's puerco and pollo -- this pesco-vegetarian ate a lot of pan quesos.

I would have thought there would be a lot of fish to choose from - I hope 
this doesn't mean their fisheries are screwed up.  Or else refrigeration is 
too expensive?

If any of you go through Miami, stop at a Pollo Tropical restaurant.  They 
grill chicken and pork in a few styles, and for fast food, it's great.  Plus 
they have a whole different set of side dishes, not your usual burger fare - 
yuca chips that are as much fun as french fries, sweet plaitains, and the 
black beans and rice called "moros" (for Moros y Christianos, Moors and 
Christians).  It's not peppery fare by itself, but it definitely takes a 
sauce well.

I wonder what kids of cheeses they had.  Were there pushcart street vendors, 
or did you have to go to dollar restaurants?

- A

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