Re: [CH] Re: County Agents

David Cook (
Tue, 23 Jan 2001 11:10:35 -0600

I seem to remember there's an equivalent in the UK, although I can't
remember the term.

County Agent is short for County Extension Agent. Sometimes also known as
the Ag (agricultural) agent, extension agent, etc. They're usually employed
by the state university or college system to work in offices throughout the
state as an outreach program to provide expert resources locally. In rural
communities, the focus is on farms, ranches, etc. In more urban areas, they
often deal with garden, tree, and lawn problems. Their services are free or
at minor cost.

Generally there is one per county (hence county agents) or, as in my dad's
case, in a regional office. He was the horticulturist. I think they also had
a crop specialist, someone for livestock, and a home economist.

In the US it's always a good idea for us growers (home and otherwise) to
find the phone number of your local county agent. They'll usually come out a
look at your problem first hand and if they can't give you an answer can at
least point you toward someone who can.

David "Zeb" Cook
Retro Studios

> Would somebody mind telling this Brit what is a county agent, and how
> would I be expected to know this....
> Graham                    reply to:
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