[CH] Re: Ode to Frank's

Sun, 4 Feb 2001 07:00:24 -0500

> That pretty much sums it up.  I do like the flavour [of Frank's],
> but the heat is lacking - one of my QE's caugth me
> drinking it straight out of the bottle a few afternoons
> ago and completely freaked out.  

It does have good flavor, and I like vinegar, so I like to chill it and
drink it like tomato juice, or leave it room temperature and slosh it
over french fries.  And if you eat meat and are not looking for actual
heat,  the flavor makes it very nice as a marinade for chicken if you
combine it with crushed garlic, minced onion, a splash of decent olive
oil and a little tarragon or fresh marjoram.  

Besides, drinking a bottle of it it in front of non-chileheads is a great
way to win sucker bets.  I'll wager I'm not the only one here who's done
that. :) 

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