[CH] Fungus??!!??

Kevin Kucifer (kskucifer@usaserve.net)
Wed, 7 Mar 2001 19:47:07 -0500

Got a question, more like a problem with a couple of my seedlings.  I have
just noticed what appears to be a fungus on the surface of the potting peat.
The seedlings don't appear to be any worse for wear, but I don't want this
to become a problem.  Right now it is only on a couple of the pots, but I am
worried that it might spread.  I may have kept the soil too wet and I am now
letting it dry out.  Should I (gulp!!!) sacrifice the infected pots to save
the rest of the batch or is the some way to defeat this interloper?.  They
are all together in a peat potting tray.  I am pretty new at this, but so
far I have managed to get a pretty good start.  Any and all help will be
greatly appreciated.

