Re: [CH] Have Been Stricken!

Chris Meredith (
Mon, 12 Mar 2001 18:38:00 -0800


This is Sacrilege........

Wetting Pants in the Restaurant is like the Secret handshake the Masons have

How do you expect to play "Nekkid Twister" (TM)? ....with Jalapeno's?

Rael  you need to set her  straight on this one !!!!!!

Red Faces also show how healthy you are ..... much better than that pale 
sickly color that
people get living in the Pacific NorthWet.....

and Taste buds are overrated ......... without them you can enjoy White 

Besides me eating something too hot for me gives my wife something to laugh 
about :-)


At 08:37 AM 3/12/2001 -0600, Sandy Olson wrote:
>Oh, come now!  Existance as a moderate chilehead is not all that bad.  We
>don't have gasping spells with red faces and copious amounts of
>perspiration.  We hardly ever wet our pants in restaurants.  Our taste buds
>are not in permanent remission.  When we cry it's from gladness or sorrow,
>not from pain for the most part.  Trust me, life is good as a CH of the
>moderate persuasion.
>CH #1146 glorying at being in the middle of the chile pepper highway