Re: Fw: [CH] my first website, revisited

danceswithcarp (
Tue, 20 Mar 2001 17:13:17 -0500

At 07:04 AM 3/20/2001 -0500, Susan Byers wrote:
>This has always been one of my desires: every year I try to add more and
>more and more. This year, I have 800 plus varieties popping up their heads
>in the greenhouses. Whenever people express their amazement, I point out
>how much farther I have to go!
>The Chile Woman

Wow, Sue, Erin told me you didn't even plant until St. Pat's Day, so I 
never have.   Must be that new greenhouse, huh.   We're not yet finished 
with yard-scaping at the new house so gardening will be a dicey proposition 
this year.  As such I'm not sprouting any seeds at all and it is killing 
me.  I keep wanting to check on the progress of the crop.

Of course when we moved it took two pickup truck loads to move all of the 
pots and troughs, so it's not like we'll be pepperless, but still, it ain't 
the same.  Next year though, I might have a small greenhouse meself.
