I: [CH] Chile origins

Michele Mastandrea (diavolillo@katamail.com)
Fri, 23 Mar 2001 15:03:00 +0100

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Michele Mastandrea <diavolillo@katamail.com>
A: Robert Farr <rbfarr@erols.com>
Data: giovedì 22 marzo 2001 15.16
Oggetto: R: [CH] Chile origins

>>The book "Pepper" by Amal Naj, a Wall Street Journal reporter who took a
>>year's sabbatical to research and write the book, is the best book I've
>>read on the subject of chiles.
>>Mr. Naj traces the roots of the chile back to Bolivia and the Ula Pica,
>>a chiltepin which grows in the wild.
>>The book is not only fascinating - it's a great read!
>>Robert Farr
>Hi you Robert,
>the Amal Naj book about chile have been translated into italian langauge
>by Corbaccio editor!
>I think I will buy it.
>Accordingly the italian "gastrosofo" Vito Teti, who wrote several books
>about eating customs of people who live in southern Italy, the use of
>"peperoncino", chile for you, in sausages making in the city of Reggio
>Calabria, have been demonstrated since the year 1500 (post Christum).
>In the province of Calabria, very very hot sausage type, called
>"nduja",(from french word "andouille") is produced and exported too.
>La "nduja" is a mixture of two part of pork meal and one part of chile