Janet Plant spacing depends on individual variety AKA Plant Habit. I grew a white habanero that the canopy was 3 1/2 ft dia. Plant spacing also makes a difference in the humidity of your micro clim. In humid areas to subject your plants to diseases, with close spacing. In humid area's, I think you are better off leaving a little room for air flow between the plants. Just my experience with over 50 years of growing L.B. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`~~ Hi all, I am planting about 10 various varieties of chiles such as anahiem, poblano, etc. this year and was wondering the optimal spacing in the garden for best production? I plant in raised beds about 4 feet wide in good loamy soil. What would you recommend for center to center planting? I have been usingabout 16 inches between plants, but read somewhere 12 inches was satisfactory. The seed packets generally say 18". And do you all mulch your plants? Thanks, Janet