[CH] A new use for Habs!

Ron Levi (InnuendoEntLLC@netscape.net)
Thu, 29 Mar 2001 01:03:10 -0500

Hi CH's,
 While surfin' my favorite topics on the web I came across the quote from a bay area telecommuter. I wonder if he is on this list. Check this out:

"THE IMPLICATION IS that all telecommuters begin their day with a few shots of tequila and then work naked. Oh, no, it's nothing that ordinary. Some days, just to liven things up, we like to crush a few Percodans into some habanero peppers, mash it into pulp and inject it into our eyeballs, and then ride the sit-down lawnmower round the living room."

I wonder if that would work with no-heat Jalapenos? 

Best Regards,

Ron Levi
Innuendo Enterprises LLC
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