[CH] ARGH!!!!!!

Emile & Dewi (e.steenbrink@worldonline.nl)
Thu, 29 Mar 2001 16:58:30 +0200


Yes, it is that time again. My seedlings are covered in little green pests!
God, I hate those buggers. In the beginning I tried to keep them off with a
toothpick gently scraping them off and squishing them between my fingers but
now they outnumber me by a million. I remember a chile spray to fight them
off but my saved e-mails don't show how to make it. PLEASE, can anybody
repost the recipe to make the pepper spray to fight those buggers off? I
would be forever grateful. I desperately need to kill these ^*#$@*# seedling

Miss Dewi

PS. WHERE IS SPRING?!?!?!?!?!?!?