Re: [CH] Re:Tasmanian Pepper Berry Challenge

Lukasz Electronics (
Thu, 29 Mar 2001 21:39:19 +1000 wrote:

But as an herbalist, I'd want to know which compounds were in there, and
in what amounts, before I'd wanna eat it.   Hundreds if not thousands of
seemingly innocuous aromatic plant compounds are medicinal, or
genuinely risky in some way, or both at different strengths or with
different manner or length of use
Everything is bad for you Rain .
kinda make me wonder what herbalist's actually eat..
Sorry bout that..Knuckle dragging there..
p.s. dont give me any ammo by replying as I can probably find plenty of
bad things in there.. (without going online..

Use it as a spice or condiment by all means but if yr worried don't
treat it as a Major food group..
Luke in Oz