[CH] A Man With No Plan, part 2

Tue, 17 Apr 2001 21:22:58 EDT

Hokay, folks.

I've got about 75 organisms somewhere between seed and giant chile bush.  My 
wife has thus far been willing to overlook the fact that I daily commandeer 
strategic bits of the kitchen for rituals centering around wet paper towels 
and bags of dirt. And part of the pantry is now very, very well lit for 12 
hours a day.

Two questions, and then I'll go away and play with my dirt some more.

(1) I'm approaching the moment when I'm going to have to begin culling the 
weak to make room for the uber-pflanzen.  I found myself assuming that I 
should cull the smaller plants to make room for the larger, but now I 

Is it true that the plants that are largest soonest are the ones to keep, or 
is there some other set of decision-making criteria I should be adopting?

(2)  Some data: 

-- The seeds that I ripped out of some habs that were a tad past their prime 
are germinating and growing at an alarming rate -- they're popping out of the 
ground like corpses in a Stephen King movie.

-- The Czech blacks and Thai dragons from Shepherd's are going a bit slower, 
but look like they're going to come close to a 100% germination rate.  The 
piquins (also from Shepherd's) are doing almost as well. I'm impressed.

-- The only disappointment (thus far) are the chiltepins from Burpee -- so 
far, only 4 seeds out of about 40 have put out a seed hook.  Is this because 
chiltepins take longer to get started (I haven't given up yet...), or is 
there a quality difference between Burpee and Shepherd's?

Thanks again.

-- Dan//wondering where he's going to put 75 chile plants....