[CH] Chiles and Cranberries

Suzanne (suz2@mindspring.com)
Fri, 11 May 2001 15:33:16 -0400

I disagree with your statement.  Cranberries will grow on dry ground.  It is
my understanding that the fields are flooded to facilitate the harvest.
Here are two links (of many) that support my thoughts:

I have never tried growing a chile plant in a bog so will abstain from
comment on that portion.

On a chile related note.  Thanks much in part to the fabulous plants
provided by Cross Country, I already have three types of pods forming in the
garden!  I hope this is a sign of a good season to come.
take care all and have a good weekend,


> Each plant has a seperate set of growing requirements.  Cranberries won't
> grow on dry ground and chiles won't grow in bogs.
> L.B.