[CH] Roux/and Aussie Gumbo-sort of ..

Luke Speer (lukasz@midcoast.com.au)
Mon, 14 May 2001 22:50:25 +1000

Made a Chile-Head Roux tonight.
250 g unsalted Butter 1/4 lb for the unmetricated
Ditto plain Flour
simmered it over low heat stirring constantly for 1 hour
then added 1 tablespoon dried Thyme
1 teaspoon Paprika
1/2 teaspoon Flynns amazing Oj hab powder (running low here Tony)
2 semi dried Tepins Chopped
1 Manzano chopped seeded and stemmed
stirred it for another 1/4 hour - 
added 2 cups home made chicken stock while it was still hot, went into a paste.(strange)
then added 
8 chopped mushrooms
1 diced carrot
15 sliced Okra
4 boiled chopped small potatoes (skin and all)
1 large onion
1 clove garlic
5 tablespoons tomato paste
1 cup cooked peas
1 can chicken consome
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
1 chopped red pepper 
top half of a buch of celery, and then added more.
small handfull of chopped fatty bacon 
6 cups water
2 large chicken thighs chopped into cubes
16 green prawns (Jumbo Shrimp] (Iwas going to throw them on the Barby but i ran out of gas the other 
simmered it all for another hour and baby this stuff is good,
Oops forgot the last touch 
I threw in a shot glass full of home made Jack Daniels Whiskey about 10 minutes before taking it off the 

Luke in Oz 
I meant to cook some rice and serve it over it but ran out of time so I might do it tomorrow if there is any left
<G> Not likely..