[CH] Delurking, For a Little While Anyway

Norm Corley (ncorley@otenet.gr)
Sun, 20 May 2001 13:43:51 +0300

I've been hanging around for awhile and thought it was about time to dispel
rumors I've read and heard that Greek food isn't spicy.  The first time I tried
this one definitely changed my mind.  It'll bring on a sweat:

---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
      Title: Htipiti Tirosalata (Whipped Cheese Salad)
 Categories: Appetizers, Greek
      Yield: 1 servings
   Tsouskes to taste
   Olive Oil for frying peppers
   1.00 lb Feta cheese
   3.00 tb Olive Oil
  Tsouskes are hot spicy peppers.  Of course the best are the long green       
  peppers which grow only in Macedonia. they're extremely hot and very 
  tasty.  You can substitute with your favorite pepper.  I've used jalapenos,
  but there wasn't as much of a kick.  

  Fry the peppers in oil, peel their skins and  chop them into very small
  pieces. How many it depends on how hot they are and your heat tolerance.
  Cut about 1 pound of feta in to small pieces and mix it with  the peppers.   
  Add about 3 table spoons of olive oil. Work all the ingredients with a fork
  until it becomes a paste.

  You're all set. Enjoy with bread or crackers as an appetizer or just eat it 
  straight out of the bowl.

  From: Antonios Bouris (modified slightly)
Yeah, some of us do still use DOS programs!


Norm Corley
Athens, Greece
http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/7003 - Personal Page
http://radivision.hypermart.net - Business Page

"I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian!"