Re: [CH] Rael's Riteings
Thu, 24 May 2001 11:20:46 -0600

>It's comforting to see that Rael has neither lost his writing
>talents nor is he letting finals interfere with more important
>things, like writing to Nubile Chile-Head Maidens.

Gracias, must always take the time to write to 
Nubiles...and i try to write to the CH list...haven't done too well 
over the past year...ah, well...reason to flog myself, indeed...

This could prove to be a productive summer writing-wise since I'm 
taking no classes...time to kill, more or less...time for Nubiles and 
Twister [TM!] and salsa and work (groan) and the gym and sleep and 
more salsa and probably some more Twister [TM!], thus poems and 
stories and things that go Monk in the Night...

we shall see...

Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......
