Re: [CH] My Little Story
Sat, 26 May 2001 20:01:27 -0600

>Hey everyone,

G' wait, that's your line <g>...

>I don't know if anyone really cares at all, but I thought I would just tell
>everyone what I have done regarding chilli growing. I am 12 years old and I
>live in Australia. About 1.5 months ago I suddenly wanted to go and start
>growing a chilli garden. I went to the nursery and bought five chilli
>plants, NuMex Centennial, Oriental Hot, Hungarian Wax, Thai Hot and Serrano.
>They are all doing very nicely except for the Thai Hot, it seems to be
>getting eaten and shrinking. I had also bought some Cayenne Pepper Seeds. I
>planted them wrongly (too deep  and things like that) so nothing came up. I
>planted some more correctly, but still they haven't come up and its been
>about 20 days.

Best method I've ever used for starting seeds was to lay the seeds on 
top of the soil, sprinkle a little soil over the seeds, water well 
from beneath the pots or whatever you're starting the seeds in, and 
cover with plastic wrap (clear, of course).  Do not uncover until 
seedlings begin to show their heads.

Now one can get more complex than that and follow all sorts of 
"rules" and such for feeding, watering, etc/etc, but this has worked 
for me.  And the seedlings-to-be need good strong light, probably 
12-16 hours/day.

>About half a month ago I bought five more plants. One I am not sure of the
>type, the others are Ancho, Cherry Bomb Hydrid, Habenero Red and Hot Wax. My
>Ancho and Cherry Bomb plant are getting curled leaves. Can someone please
>tell me what this means and how to fix it?

Dunno.  I'm not up to speed on the various diseases.  Anyone?

>Even though its the wrong time of year, I am trying to germinate lots of
>different chillies. I'm Experimenting with lots of different techniques,
>from lots of different people.

My philosophy - in regards to chiles and everything else - is the 
more simple it is, the better it is.  It's not that I'm a lazy turd - 
well, maybe I am somewhat - but that the more complex a task becomes, 
the more chance for error.

>I record every chilli I pick and write about what I have done with the
>seeds. Growing chillies is one of the most fun things I have done. I love
>watching the buds turning to flowers and in the next few days the chilli
>starts to appear. I love watching the chillies ripening to a dark red. And
>most of all I love eating them. I am not quite onto the Habs yet. Maybe in a
>few years.

As for your documentation of what you're doing, good for you!  That's 
a grand way to do anything, I think.  Such records will give you a 
wealth of information in the future...moreso than you may think right 

As for eating chiles, just keep eating them.  One develops a 
tolerance in time where the heat takes a back seat to the flavor of 
the chile, thus you come to know the chile better.  Think of this as 
Chile Enlightenment :)

>Anyway, that sort of my little story about me gardening. I hope you haven't
>started yawning or fallen asleep yet from boredom.

El Grande bless your chiles...and keep up the good work, mon...

Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......