[CH] Re: A Taste of Africa Hot Sauces

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Tue, 29 May 2001 12:18:15

>From: Shantihhh@aol.com

>It's a blend of chiles, carrots,
>sweet potatoes, etc.

The TJ Maxx store down the street just got some of these in; I bought one 
but haven't tried it yet.  I'm curious about sweet potatoes as an ingredient 
in hot sauce.

The bottle I got came with a series of recipes on a long slip of paper.  
There are several seafood and poultry recipes, including lobster in a puff 

Do any of our African list members know about this line of sauces, or it is 
designed for Western markets?

- A

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