Re: Fwd: Re: [CH] Chuy's Mexican Restaurant V7 #363

David Hanks (
Tue, 05 Jun 2001 22:47:02 +0700

Speaking as someone from West Texas who quit smoking and snorting dope
without the pleasures of becoming born again or deciding to become a
politician, I would like to point out that the young lady with the
citation has been cited TWICE within the last growing season for the
same offense.  When I grew up, having a beer in the dorm or at home was
fine (if you didn't get caught), but why does this kid feel she can do
what the average Texas ma'am or male wouldn't try?  Beyond this, she's
had her main squeeze removed from police custody the Secret Service that
your and my taxes pay for. Far beyond their call of duty or what I would
like my taxes to go for.

	In the Texas I grew up in, if you broke the law, you paid the price. 
Thank goodness the Shrub was still at Yale then or I'd probably be dead
for drinking and shooting fireworks within the city limits.  The laws in
Texas now were signed into law by the young lady's father.  If someone
recognizes the old man's bad habits and sees them repeated by the kids,
I would hope they make a stand, regardless of whatever publicity might
come about.

	David (refugee in Thailand for 20 years)

	(disclaimer)  I've only ever eaten in one chain Mexican restaurant and
that was Tia Marias in the Berkeley Marina.  I didn't eat much but I did
fall in love with their Cuervo Gold and Amaretto--Amandrado, or
something like that.  I've never had a margarita and wouldn't on a bet.

	Let's get back to the Clinton killed cats or Monica sold the fake ID
thread; it was much less political.  Written from where one black dog
goes for a 5 gallon water container, and they're sold for their flavor,
not appearance..	

Cameron Begg wrote:
> Hi C-H's,
> Think about this situation for a moment. Two 19y olds are in your
> restaurant bar trying to buy drinks with obviously fake ID. What to
> do? Hand the ID back and explain that sorry but it is against the law
> to supply drinks to people under 21.
> But wait a minute - those are the PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTERS! Turn them in
> for some cheap advertising!
> That's exactly what they did, and if this list is any guide, they
> will be making money hand over fist as a result. But not from me or
> people like me. Not if they were the best hot food restaurant in the
> world. Not for any money or my picture taken with Jen and Barb. The
> Cardinal still has a few principles. How about we drop the subject?
> --
> ---
>                       Regards,               Cameron.

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