At 03:12 PM 6/5/01 -0400, Jonathan Smillie wrote: >FWIW - according to the NPR report I heard on this incident, it was not in fact a fake ID, but a real one which did not belong to, or correctly identify, the young lady in question. Leaving aside the eminently understandable desire to disclaim kinship with George II, I don't know if that would have any bearing on the matter from a legal standpoint. > >Just my $0.02, Another interesting aspect of the incident is that there were three young ladies involved, and that only the Bush siblings were identified by the press. Also, here is a local editorial cartoonists take on protecting the first family... =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens @ @ @ ICQ# 2059548 @ Dyslexic Agnostic Insomniac... Lying awake at night, wondering if there is a dog.