[CH] Re: Cats can be quite beneficial.

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Wed, 06 Jun 2001 20:10:10

>From: Linda Reynolds <lr21@cornell.edu>

>It was in a basement
>apartment and it would sit in the window above the side of the toilet
>and leap down on you when you least expected it. Talk about adding
>misery to ring of fire!

*drums fingers* there's a story in that, or maybe a YKYACHI...

(Ringmaster voice)  Ladies and Gentlemen, direct your attention to the 
center ring, where these death-defying felines will leap through a Ring of 
Fire before your very eyes!

Oh well, turnabout is fair play.  Put Alka-Seltzer tablets in the litterbox.

- A

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