G'day, Any of your photographers, or deal with photographers? I just got a really great photo op and they need a price quote back from me ASAP. I've never done anything like this before so I don't want to overcharge. What is the standard daily rate I should charge, in addition to film, developing, printing and transportation costs. I am not a pro nor an expert. Should I ask for the full amount in advance, or be paid in thirds - 1/3 at start, 1/3 part of the way through, and the final third when I am done but before I turn over the completed work? I thought $50 a day plus the above costs, is OK, but is that asking too much? I don't know how long the assignment will be nor how many rolls of film I will need yet. Thanks in advance, please reply privately. Karen E. Stober kstober@us.ibm.com