[CH] Re: Glory Be!

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 02:40:04

>From: Shantihhh@aol.com

>How does Jim get such early
>prolific harvests?

Well, it is time to reveal what's so secret about the fields.  They are on 
the grounds of a nuclear test site associated with the Jefferson Proving 
Ground.  The hab plants grow to the height of a giraffe, and they actually 
glow in the dark.  It takes several people to manhandle a single pod into 
the grinder.  Jim does not allow anyone to receive more than 24 hours of 
radiation from handling them without cumbersome protective gear.  I've 
already told you too much.  Go ahead and believe that little staged harvest 
event they broadcast, I KNOW THE REAL STORY.

- A

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