Re: [CH] the right time for planting seeds in sydney?

Tara Deen (
Tue, 03 Jul 2001 15:12:06 +1000

Hi Phil,

I'm also in Sydney and yes, you can start your seeds now, just be sure
to keep them warm (n top of the fridge, water heater, or over a heat pad
for example). There is a major benefit to starting them indoors early,
and that's that you get chillies early! Especially for long-day time
chillies such as habaneros, which take 3 months or more from
transplanting to produce a ripe pod.

I tend to treat my seedlings rough: they get coddled until they
germinate, then they get exposed to the sun in an elevated place
(lately, an old BBQ at the back of the yard that doesn't get used) so
they don't cop any frost.

One of the nice things about living in Sydney is that you can have
chillies year round if you're' careful. You can sow seeds almost any
time right up to January or February. In fact it's easier then as the
ambient temperature is about what chillies love to germinate well. But,
of course, the sooner you sow them the sooner you get fresh pods!


Tara Deen                         Phone: 61-2-9351 4271
School of Geosciences             Fax:   61-2-9351 0184
Building FO5                      Mobile: 061 410 538 655
University of Sydney NSW 2006     email: