[CH] this list is a bad influence

Sat, 7 Jul 2001 22:35:08 EDT

I thought I should let you all know what a bad influence you've been on me.  
I like to veggie garden and grew maybe a half dozen generic anahiem plants 
for an occasional pot of exquisite chile verde,  plus afew poblanos and an 
occasional jalapeno or serrano.  Then I signed onto this list.......

This season I am growing about 80 plants of 20 or so different varieties 
including habaneros -- and I dont even like very hot things!  The power of 
your suggestion just drew me in.  I didnt stand a chance.  I must say the 
habs are really beautiful plants -- so lush looking.  I am also growing quite 
afew jalapenos for smoking later in the season which is also a first.

Anyway,  thanks for leading me astray.  Its been fun.  
