>Hi all, > > hornworms - I have 52 pullets and 4 guineas that LOVE me picking them >those critters off my tomatoes, peppers and such. > > Turns into a roaring game of keep away. ah, guineas...now there's good eatin'!! oh, sorry...the redneck in me got loose for a moment... anywho, it appears my first email may have not reached the list...said email did state that raelsixty4@earthlink.net is no longer functioning. the address is kaputt. Monk Rael now resides at raelsixfour@home.com. Switched to a cable modem and thus decided to switch ISPs as well. La dee da. So...back to those guineas..now you can't just let 'em eat bugs and such - which as told, they do wonderfully with - but they should be, like any critter one is fixin' to eat in near future - be fed a variety of items...essentially anything they will eat. Tis that southern belief (and possible true at that) that if you feed a critter, say, onions and potatoes (this is the prescribed diet for a possum, 1 month before eating), the flavor of the creature is mo' better come eatin' time. Personally, I ain't sure. i'd much rather serve some spudz and onions with my possum, or guinea, and let my tastebuds benefit from it all. But if I wuz one to have a guinea around to eat, i think I'd want my guinea to eat a mess of chiles, some garlic, some cumin seed, a bit of salt and black pepper mixed in some parsley/thyme, and for a treat, bathe my birdie in a nice olive oil/butter mix so it's skin is nice and supple after i rip it's feathers out (after i've sent it to the other side, of course...). But right now, Rael's got some cooked pork loin that i've been tossing into stir frys, noodle dishes, curries, and well, that's how i eat. Cook a hunk o' flesh and eat off it for the week. So...did i have a point to something here? I suppose not. Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles....... Rael