Another way to find hornworms: The hornworms traveled from my tomatoes to the peppers, as anticipated, and I still couldn't spot the little buggers. This evening while feeding the peppers, and pouring water over them, I spotted the movement of a worm. Evidentially worms do not like water poured over them, and so they were writhing and squirming. *ugh* So I donned long gloves that go up to the elbows, got a nice LONG-handled pair of pliers and plucked off the worm. More water on the plants, and two more worms were squirming. I tossed the worms where I thought birds would eat them, but instead they were devoured by ants, in just a matter of minutes. I watched, feeling like a wormslaughterer, but then the dang things WERE eating my pepper leaves. So what this boils down to, spray water over the plants to find the worms. And if ants eat hornworms, are ants bad for the plants?