Re: [CH] Peppers & Vodka

VoodooChile (
Thu, 2 Aug 2001 18:39:17 -0600

>Dear Chile-Heads : It just dawned on me today why vodka extinguishes the
>hot feeling in the mouth, as described in that book.  Capsaicin is an acid.
>Vodka is an alcohol, which is an alkali or base.  Some alcoholic beverages
>are acidic, like wine which gets its acidity from the grapes; but vodka can
>be 80-100 proof, or almost half pure alcohol.  Thus, vodka would be
>alkaline.  Mixing an acid and a base produces a salt and plain water.  So
>that is probably what happens in the mouth when the alcohol "neutralizes"
>the capsaicin.  Or so it would logically seem to me.  Roberto

that would explain my eating so many chiles whilst drinking so much tequila...

well, no, it really doesn't, but a new "excuse" for all the tequila i 
used to drink is sort of refreshing...

Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......
