Hi you all. Last winter, in Italy, was quite warm, with only slight frost, so I was able to overwinter some Datil and Habanero plants, withouth any protection, on my terrace. Now the summer is at point of max heat, and the ground is dust, drought and thirsthy, and the rain could fall only in october : this the climate of adriatic Puglia, only 450-600 mm. of rain per year. Some habanero plants I put in the ground last April, I mulched the ground with home compost and gave some organic nitrogen fertilizer; but the nearness( not too much) with some shrubs, a pear tree, an opuntia ficus-indica and some Aleppo pinetrees, is a failure: the plants are hardly able to make many and big pods, and they ripen with difficulty, even if I give abundant water every day. They suffer too strong sun rays, as it seems, and the drynes and thinnes of ground around. I put some Habanero plants in pots, that I intered( totally in the ground) in a partial shade position,very close to some ornamental shrubs, with a drop irrigation system: they are doing very well and bear many and big pods. This happens in my country home garden, better things on terrace I have in town : second year plants of Datil and Habanero( all in large pots) are bearing wonderful, enormous pods, well coloured. Nevertheless I have to find the way of growing habaneros in the full ground to increase the amount of harvesting, as I want. I'm searching for suggestion of growing from semi-desertic zones( of the world) or from Mexico indeed. Do you know how many years Habanero tillage does last in Yucatan? Thanks.