Re: [CH] List has changed... Not!

Dickedy D. McBee (
Fri, 17 Aug 2001 11:42:13 -0500

> I have been attacked several times, once in
> particular for a reference to a certain kind of pepper... remember that
> one? The one that resembled female genitalia?
> Love, Peace, Chiles & Female Genitalia,

This "one" that you speak of; would it lend itself to some genetically modified

This makes me contemplate what sort of genetic modifications could be made to
the peter pepper.  Let's see, maybe we could use that gene that makes some
plants sensitive to touch.  Perhaps a little touching could make the pods
enlarge and too much touching would make it squirt out all its capsicum (or
alternatively, the seeds).  Did I say capsicum?  I meant to say capsaicin or
better yet capsaicinoids.  There would probably be a brief dormancy period
while the pod replenishes its capsaicinoids.

Now, where's a mad scientist so we can get going on this.