[CH] yet more on the story...

George A. Starkey (gas@kdlegal.com)
Thu, 23 Aug 2001 11:25:03 -0500

"extracted" from http://college-term-papers.com/TermPapers/English/Brief_Encounters.shtml

 ....There do lie hidden qualities in each of us that a brief encounter will bring out and show to the world. 
The story that proves this is "The Grains of Paradise." I picked this because Pete Hoyle is in a pepper-eating 
contest with the Indians and they have all their money on the table that they probably own. Pete knows that he 
can beat the Indian and also realizes that if they loose, they will become even lower in the town. He gives up 
when he almost won and this shows that he has compassion for the people who are less fortunate than he is. 
A brief encounter can change somebody's life forever.