Bradley, Thanks for the tip, Hubby commutes to Chi-town (Downer's Grove weekly. In Oct. daughter and I will be there and we are looking for hot spots for the 3 of us to check out before we head to the Open Fields event. Even noticed in Bon Appetite mag. this month they recommend a Thai restaurant not far from the fields South of Indy! Anyone been there? Any and all Chicago suggestions welcome as we'll have several eating days there! Mary-Anne << Went to Chicago recently and ate at a place called Heaven on Seven, which specializes in Louisiana cooking. Not everything is Louisiana though ... I had the Hot as a Mutha, a dish of chicken breasts on rice smothered in habanero chile paste. They made me sign a waiver, not because the dish was dangerous, but so I wouldn't send it back complaining that it was too hot. This place also has a Wall of Fire, a pretty impressive collection of hot sauces. While there, I heard a waiter tell a diner that Da Bomb: The FInal Answer is the hottest sauce ... that didn't sound right to me. Anyone? Anyway, I picked a bottle of the house jalapeno sauce (mighty tasty) and a cookbook by the owner/chef. Not affiliated, but would recomend to anyone in the Chi-town area. >>